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Support Solid Rock by shopping on AmazonSmile.

Did You Know?

When you shop at smile.amazon.com, Amazon will donate a percentage of the price of all eligible purchases to our church – at no additional cost to you. All you have to do is select our church from their list of charities.

Start Here

To get started click the Get Started button below and sign in to your Amazon account.

You will be automatically enrolled in the program with Solid Rock Baptist Church as your charity. Shop with Amazon as usual (see tips below) and help our church with each purchase. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service – just with the added benefit to Solid Rock Baptist Church.

Things to Remember

Please take note of the following for your purchases to be eligible:

  • You must have selected Solid Rock Baptist Church as your charity
  • You must start your shopping from smile.amazon.com
  • Purchases made in Amazon's mobile apps or at Amazon.com are not eligible purchases for donations. 

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